Media Literacy develops critical thinking skills and provides an excellent avenue to examine personal values. Understanding media is critical to being literate in the 21st century.
Action for Media Education, Child Care Resources, King County Youth and Family Services, Seattle Public Schools, Seattle Parks & Recreation, Therapeutic Health Services, and the YMCA.
We advocate for and develop Media Literacy education by
collaborating with schools, educators, parents, and community leaderless Media offers workshops and seminars to Parent Groups, Educators, Schools, Child Care Centers, and Community Organizations. LK Media is a Seattle based organization founded in 1992. Linda Kennedy, founder and president of LK Media, is an award winning journalist with more than 20 years experience in print and broadcast media.
Ms. Kennedy is a dynamic force in Media Literacy education.
Media Literacy is recognized by a host of international and national educational organizations including the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE,) the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, and many others.
By age 65 each American viewer has seen 2 million commercials.
97% of children age 6 and younger have toys or products based on characters from TV shows and movies.
59% of Americans can name the Three Stooges; 17% can name 3 members of the Supreme Court.
The TV is on more than 50 hours a week; parents spend 38.5 minutes a week in meaningful conversation with kids.
"I will happen to the world instead of the world happening to me. Thank you for that Ms. Linda."
Get more out of your media.
Screens are the most powerful cultural and social learning tools we have. We are not using them as we should and worse, we are not teaching our children to use these tools properly. Many parents are oblivious to the amount of time their children spend with screens.
Others do not understand the potential damage excessive screen use poses. Youth are not passive consumers of media. Instead, they actively engage with content to create meaning. Children and teens are most susceptible to misconceptions created by media.
Youth need to be in an environment where they can be both teachers and learners, where they can be exposed to diverse opinions within their peer group in order to develop their own identity.
If youngsters believe what they are consuming is fiction, they take it in as fiction. If they don’t know, they accept what they see and hear as fact. They don’t know any better. If children are not taught to be critical thinkers, they don’t question. They can believe they’ll grow up to look like the unbelievably thin Barbie or the impossibly buff GI Joe. They’ll believe that Froot Loops are fruit.
LK Media is a certified Minority Women Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (MWDBE) company. We offer effective communication, savvy outreach, creatively tailored writing for print or broadcast to impact your audience, and genuine commitment to equity and inclusion. We employ and teach Media Literacy (analyzing and evaluating media content) to enhance understanding of emerging communication techniques.
Our purpose is to raise awareness about the power of the media.
We promote media literacy education by collaborating with schools, educators, parents, and community headers.
LK Media has ongoing partnerships which include the Seattle Public School District, Seattle Parks Department, the YMCA, KCTS public television, and the Seattle Urban League.
Our mission is to advance the cause of media literacy by enlightening children, their parents and relatives, caregivers, students, classroom teachers, and everyone else.
Children watch 40,000 advertisements a year.
70% of women feel guilty, ashamed, and
depressed after looking at fashion magazines.
Media's "tough guy" image normalizes violence.
90% of kids 12 to 17 are on the Internet with unsupervised access to the world.
Kids view some kind of screen 7 hours a day.
Media can change how we think and work.
We own the airwaves but 6 conglomerates
control the content.
LK Media is a Seattle based organization founded in 1992.
Linda Kennedy is an award winning broadcast/print journalist and former KING 5 News reporter/anchor. She is founder and president of LK Media, a 17-year-old communications company which focuses on community outreach and creating outreach materials for large construction and A & E projects.
Linda Kennedy is accustomed to synthesizing technical material into easily understandable formats for lay audiences. She communicates client plans and sub contractor opportunities at community meetings and gatherings. Linda specializes in personal contact, matching the client with relevant communities and stakeholders. Her extensive media experience aids her in helping clients create and carry out a communications strategy to reach targeted populations and the citizenry at large.
"The tools we use for entertainment andcommunication should not replace relationships with family and friends."
~ Linda Kennedy
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